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Our Values

In 2003 the Care Standards Act was introduced, requiring compulsory registration for all care providers and thereafter regular inspections from an independent organization, the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This has resulted in the Domiciliary Care industry becoming highly regulated and therefore a safe choice.


The owners of George Springall Homecare Partnership, Roxane Lane and Dominic Lane have a combination of Healthcare and Business Management experience. Throughout his nursing and business management experience, Dominic has strived to deliver exceptional customer service and provide care in a way that he would want to be cared for himself.


Roxane has experienced first hand how vulnerable people struggle to adapt to their new lives and has pursued her call to care for people by making this her life. Also her managing experience is a great foundation for an outstanding care team. With these experiences and a genuine desire to make a difference to their clients' lives, George Springall Homecare Partnership was formed.


In order for excellent care to be given, the owners feel it is paramount that the right calibre of staff are employed.
At George Springall Homecare Partnership all staff will strive to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy of all clients and in doing so will be aware and adapt to their changing needs.


We aim to provide each client with a holistic approach to individualized care, caring not only for the individual's, physical needs but also their psychological, spiritual, cultural and social well-being.


Care is delivered to a high standard adopting an Integrated Person Centred Approach. This framework ensures that the care delivered is of the highest quality and tailored to meet the individual's needs by working in conjunction with other members of the multidisciplinary team, such as GP's, District nurses and Social workers.


All care staff will be appropriately qualified to deliver the highest levels of care. A continuous staff training and development programme is implemented to ensure that high standards are maintained in line with the latest healthcare legislation, regulations and guidelines set by the Care Quality Commission.


Clients are encouraged to participate in the development of their individualized care plans in which the involvement of family, friends any representatives will be sought if the client consents.

Our aim is to maintain dignity, privacy and independence thus leading to self- fulfilment, in the client's home.


You can contact us for more information about how we can help.


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