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Carer of the Year Award 2023 and George Springall Award 2023.

Many congratulations to Gill Woodall for winning the Carer of the Year Award for 2023.

The Carer of the Year Award is a recognition for the best of our staff, nominated through votes from both Carers and Service Users.

The Carer of the Year Award is a recognition for the best of our staff, nominated through votes from both Carers and Service Users.

This year the competition was closely won by Gill with Senior Carer - Lee Lewis in second place and Faith Takaendesa in third place.

Many congratulations to you all

The trophy was presented during celebrations at the George Springall Homecare Christmas lunch at the Greyhound.

Thank you to all of the Carers and Service Users for supporting this!

We look forward to awarding this prestigious trophy once again next year!

Dominic Lane - Managing Director

Roxane Lane - Registered Manager
















































Many congratulations to Rebecca Stevens for winning the George Springall Award for 2023.

The George Springall Award is a new award that is presented to a staff member who have demonstrated outstanding achievement and leadership within the company.

The winner of this prestigious award is decided by Management.

This year the award was won by HR Care Administrator - Rebecca Stevens.

The trophy was presented during celebrations at the George Springall Homecare Christmas lunch at the Greyhound.

Congratulations to Rebecca who was recognised for her outstanding achievements, leadership and contributions to the company.

We look forward to awarding the George Springall trophy next year.

Dominic Lane - Managing Director

Roxane Lane - Registered Manager.






















Carer of the Year Award 2022

Many congratulations to Senior Carer - Lee Lewis for winning the Carer of the Year Award for 2022.

The Carer of the Year Award is a recognition for the best of our staff, nominated through votes from both Carers and Service Users.

The Carer of the Year Award is a recognition for the best of our staff, nominated through votes from both Carers and Service Users.

This year the competition was clearly won by Lee. This is an indication of the outstanding care he is providing and the relationships he has built with service users and carers.

Second place was Andrew Sadler with Gill Woodall in third place.

Many congratulations to you all

The trophy was presented during celebrations at the George Springall Homecare Christmas lunch.

Thank you to all of the Carers and Service Users for supporting this!

We look forward to awarding this prestigious trophy once again next year!

Dominic Lane - Managing Director

Roxane Lane - Registered Manager


















Carer of the Year Award 2021

Many congratulations to Senior Carer - Kris Davies for winning the Carer of the Year Award for 2021.

The Carer of the Year Award is a recognition for the best of our staff, nominated through votes from both Carers and Service Users.

This year the competition was extremely close with Kris taking the award by just one vote!

The trophy was presented during celebrations at the George Springall Homecare Christmas lunch.

Thank you to all of the Carers and Service Users for supporting this!

We look forward to awarding this prestigious trophy once again next year!

Roxane Lane - Registered Manager

Dominic Lane - Managing Director

























Oxford Mail Press Release 6th April 2020
CQC praise 'amazing' staff at Oxford home care agency George Springall Homecare Partnership.

AMAZING' staff at an Oxford home care agency with an 'extremely caring culture' have been praised in a glowing report by the health watchdog.

George Springall Homecare Partnership, based at Oxford Science Park, was inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and judged to be outstanding, the highest possible rating.

A report, which was published on March 29, following a visit in January said the agency, which at the time was providing home support for 21 people, was well led and staff went 'above and beyond'.

It stated: "Without exception people and relatives told us staff remained extremely caring and they went 'above and beyond' to improve people's well-being."

The CQC report continued: "One relative told us, 'They are all beautiful, amazing people who bring laughter into the home."

Inspectors said there 'many examples' of staff going 'over and above' what was expected of them. Giving one such instance, the report said a person shared how they missed having their hair washed so a staff member bought a special bowl for them and now helped them to have their hair washed several times a week.

It added: "The person laughed as they told us how special it made them feel having their hair washed and dried."

The report also praised the registered manager as being 'passionate about providing high quality care that centred on people' with an 'extremely caring culture' created. To read the full press release please click here.

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CQC George Springall Homecare Partnershi
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George Springall Homecare Partnership was recently inspected by the CQC.
The CQC are the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

George Springall Homecare Partnership
CQC Overall Rating
Read Full Report


George Springall Homecare Partnership was recently inspected by the CQC 15/02/2020 and have once again been given the rating of overall Outstanding!

This is an amazing achievement that we are all extremely proud to be a part of.


The CQC are the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Visiting services is an important part of the CQC inspection process. It gives the CQC inspector the opportunity to talk to the Registered Manager, staff and service users who use the service. Carrying out site visits also allows the CQC to observe care and to look at people's records to see how their needs are managed.


There are five questions the CQC ask of all care services. They're at the heart of the way they regulate and they help the CQC to make sure we focus on the things that matter to people.
1.Are they safe?
2.Are they effective?
3.Are they caring?
4.Are they responsive to people's needs?
5.Are they well-led?

When we decided to register George Springall Homecare Partnership with the CQC it was our objective to make a difference and to offer the best care available in Oxfordshire. To receive a rating of Overall Outstanding on our first inspection in 2017 proved without doubt that we were meeting our objectives and satisfied the CQC in all aspects of care and management. To receive an Overall Outstanding rating once again in 2020 proves that the company is continuing to perform exceptionally well.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Roxane Lane, Registered Manager, for her endless commitment and endless hard work towards being CQC compliant. As you would all be aware Roxane has a passion for delivering outstanding care, customer service and going the extra mile to support her staff. I am sure that you are all very thankful for everything she does.


I would like to congratulate the company's Seniors, Lee Lewis and Kris Davies and all of the Care Workers for continuously striving to deliver the highest standard of care available and for representing the company's values within the community.


I would also like to thank our newly appointed member of staff Sophie Hart, Care HR Administrator for her professional conduct, commitment and dedication to her new role.

The CQC will be releasing our Outstanding rating to the press and the official report will be published on the CQC website in due course.


Thank you all for your dedication and hard work. You can all be very proud to work for an Outstanding care company. Well done to all of you.

Kind regards,
Dominic Lane
Managing Director
George Springall Homecare Partnership

Press Release!

Oxfordshire Adult Social Care Awards 2019
George Springall Homecare Partnership have been awarded the Celebrating Excellence Award for Outstanding in Oxfordshire.
OACP is a membership organisation for all providers of adult social care in Oxfordshire.
Members are from:

  • Care homes

  • Community support services

  • Home care

  • Voluntary Sector


We are extremely proud to be recognised by OACP and to be given the Outstanding in Oxfordshire award.

As a CQC Outstanding Rated company it is our objective to make a difference and to offer the best home care available in Oxfordshire.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Roxane Lane - Registered Manager for her dedication and hard work towards this achievement.
Thank you to all our care workers for their commitment and outstanding care they provide to our service users.
Dominic Lane
Managing Director
George Springall Homecare Partnership

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The Care Show 17-18 October 2018 NEC Birmingham

As discussed at the last team meeting Roxane Lane - Registered Manager - George Springall Homecare Partnership will be speaking at The Care Show 17 October Theatre 1 Time 12.35pm - 13.05pm

CQC Ratings What does it take to be 'Outstanding'?

Roxane has more than 15 years of experience in the care industry (including police force and running a victim’s centre). Roxane has experienced first-hand what high-quality care looks like as a cancer patient. Went through all stages from junior / foundation to director to see all possible practices in the care industry. Roxane has a master’s degree in Forensic science, bachelor’s degree in law, and finance.

She is also level 5 in Management and Leadership in care. Roxane and her husband, Dominic Lane decided to set up their company to make a difference in looking after patients by delivering an outstanding quality of care.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Roxane for all her hard work as Registered Manager and wish her all the best as a guest speaker at The Care Show 2018.

We look forward to meeting visitors, exhibitors and speakers at The Care Show 2018 - NEC Birmingham.
Dominic Lane
Managing Director


Oxfordshire City Council Press Release 23/08/2017

A home care provider in Oxfordshire has been rated as “Outstanding” by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), confirming that the county is ahead of national averages.


George Springall Homecare Partnership is a domiciliary care (home care) agency providing support and care to people in their own homes in the South Oxfordshire area - currently with clients in Wallingford, Botley, Steventon, Shippon, Standlake, Abingdon and Berinsfield.


Following an inspection earlier this year it has been given the CQC’s top rating of “Outstanding” – which is rarely awarded.

The other possible ratings following an inspection are “Good”, “requires improvement” or “inadequate”.

The award means that Oxfordshire is now better than the national average for “Outstanding” domiciliary care agencies with three per cent given the top rating locally compared to two per cent nationally. A total of 86 per cent of local agencies are rated “good” compared to 82 per cent nationally.


Councillor Lawrie Stratford, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said: “The role of home care both here in Oxfordshire and elsewhere in the country has increased hugely in recent years.

“As such, as a council, we pay ever more attention to the CQC’s inspection results. It is pleasing to see that we are ahead of the national picture and this excellent result for the George Springall Partnership confirms that. My congratulations go to them on an excellent report that paints a picture of diligent and caring work that goes the extra mile for the people receiving care.”

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What did the CQC report say?

The report said: “The service was extremely responsive to supporting people whose needs were complex and tended to change. We were repeatedly told of numerous occasions where the service had gone above and beyond of what was expected of them.

“People and relatives were delighted with the kindness and thoughtfulness of staff, which exceeded their expectations of how they would be cared for and supported. People explained how staff went the extra mile for them and assured us they couldn't ask for anything more. People told us the support they received significantly improved their well-being.

“People's relatives told us that the service went above their contractual duties by providing their loved ones with end of life care. The relatives said staff helped them to put their minds at ease and get through the difficult time. The provider's philosophy, vision and values were understood and shared within the staff team.

“The service was extremely responsive to people's needs and wishes even if the support people needed proved to exceed their contracted hours. People told us that staff went over and above the call of duty. People also said this made a profound difference to their lives.”


''Roxane Lane the Registered Manager/Owner of George Springall said: “This amazing “Outstanding” rating honoured the memory of our beloved George Springall in the most wonderful way. We are extremely proud to be a part of this. We have a brilliant team that represents the company's values and culture within the community.''

George Springall Homecare Partnership rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Visiting services is an important part of the CQC inspection process. It gives the CQC inspector the opportunity to talk to the Registered Manager, staff and people who use the service.


Carrying out site visits also allows the CQC to observe care and to look at people's records to see how their needs are managed.


There are five questions the CQC ask of all care services. They're at the heart of the way they regulate and they help the CQC to make sure we focus on the things that matter to people.
1.Are they safe?
2.Are they effective?
3.Are they caring?
4.Are they responsive to people's needs?
5.Are they well-led?


It is with great pride that we announce that we have been given a rating of Overall Outstanding!
This is an amazing achievement that you should all be extremely proud to be a part of.
Not only did we achieve Overall Outstanding but George Springall Homecare Partnership is only the second Homecare Agency in Oxfordshire to receive this rating! We are also the first Homecare Agency in Oxfordshire to ever receive the rating of Overall Outstanding on their first CQC inspection!


When we decided to register George Springall Homecare Partnership with the CQC it was our objective to make a difference and to offer the best care available in Oxfordshire. To receive a rating of Overall Outstanding has proven without doubt that we have met our objective and satisfied the CQC in all aspects of care and management.

George Springall Homecare Partnership 8.
George Springall Homecare Partnership 7.

We would like to thank all of the company's Seniors and Care Workers for continuously striving to deliver the best care available and for representing the company's values within the community. We would like to inform you that Caring under the CQC inspection was awarded Outstanding! We worked hard to present the evidence required to achieve this rating. Congratulations to all of you! You all deserve it!


All our company's and carer's hard work for the last year and a half and this amazing Outstanding rating honoured the memory of our beloved George Springall in the most wonderful way. I am sure he looks down on us smiling and if he was with us today he would be very proud of all of you.


The CQC will be releasing our Outstanding rating to the press and the official report will be published on the CQC website shortly.

George Springall Homecare Partnership move to new offices April 11th 2017


As from the morning of Tuesday, April 11th 2017 the office address for George Springall Homecare Partnership will change. The Oxford business centre can be found in a modern building at the eastern entrance to the city's renowned science park.

George Springall Homecare Partnership 9.

The centre provides premium serviced offices in a building with striking tile and wooden exterior features and light-filled interior spaces. The science park was established to encourage science-based businesses and innovative companies. It has proved a magnet for biotech and IT companies, drawn to the area by the highly skilled workforce. The offices are close to Oxford's inner ring road, providing good connections to the city centre and the M40.

The new business address will be:
George Springall Homecare Partnership
John Eccles House
Robert Robinson Avenue
Oxford Science Park

George Springall Homecare Partnership are proud to be official fundraisers for Cancer Research UK.


Every two minutes, someone in the UK is told “it’s cancer”.  Right now, our world-class scientists are breaking cancer down.  Our research has already helped double cancer survival rates in the last 40 years and research today is bringing us closer to our goal of increasing the survival rate from 2 in 4, to 3 in 4 by the year 2034.

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George Springall Homecare are proud to be supporting Just Giving.


JustGiving is the number 1 platform for online giving in the world


Their mission is to ensure no great cause goes unfunded. They are enormously proud to have helped people in 164 countries raise over $4.2 billion for good causes since they were founded in 2001.


We Are Now Recruiting!


Care Worker Full Time Position Oxford and Abingdon


Job Description


George Springall Homecare is an established Homecare agency that provides outstanding care within the Oxfordshire community. We provide specialist, domiciliary and palliative care throughout Oxford and surrounding areas.
Our aim?
To promote independence and dignity and to respect what is most important and what makes each of our service users unique as an individual. We take great pride in the service we provide and have built a strong reputation within Oxfordshire.
What your role will be:
As a care worker under the guidance of our Registered Manager, taking responsibility for the physical and emotional well being and social needs of our clients. Assisting clients with personal care activities such as washing, personal hygiene, dressing and assisting with meals and medication administration. Helping to maintain accurate records, undertaking ongoing training to develop your personal skills. Promoting our clients independence, choice, dignity and respect by delivering the very best standards of care. We are looking for compassionate, enthusiastic and committed care workers to join our team.
Why work for us?

  • Become part of a team that takes pride in the care standards they deliver

  • Earn up to £13.50 per hour

  • Uniforms provided

  • Full induction training (paid)

  • Ongoing training and personal development plan to further your skills

  • Opportunities for promotion within the company

  • Full support from Team Leaders and the Registered Manager

  • QCF Training up to QCF Level 3 (formally known as NVQ)

What you require:
1 years experience in a care and an NVQ1 in Care, although this is not essential. A genuine desire to develop a career in this field and a passion to make our clients lives the best they can be is mandatory. Excellent communication skills and the ability to work well as part of a dedicated team. A respectful, courteous and compassionate nature and a willingness to undertake any aspects of care. A belief in giving your personal best at all times and striving for continuous improvement. Full UK driving license and your own transport. If you have a passion for delivering exceptional care to your clients, then consider a career with George Springall Homecare.
Please contact us for further information regarding this position.

George Springall Homecare
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