Modern Slavery Statement
George Springall Homecare Partnership are fully supportive of all measures taken by the UK government to eradicate slavery and human trafficking.
We publish an annual statement on our website to explain what we are doing to prevent slavery and human trafficking in any part of George Springall Homecare’s operations.
We carry out risk assessments on an ongoing basis of both existing and new suppliers to identify those for whom it may be necessary to carry out due diligence procedures to ensure that such suppliers have also taken appropriate action to comply with their obligations under Act: “Supplier” means any supplier of goods or services to George Springall Homecare Partnership.
This due diligence will consist of making enquiries of any supplier in respect of matters covered by the Act and where appropriate seeking a signed confirmation of compliance with the Act from the supplier.
Respecting Human rights of those involved in our supply chain is ultimately the responsibility of our suppliers.
We are committed to the training and development of all care staff to understand the meaning of slavery and human trafficking so that they are alert to identify possible abuse within the company and externally (which will include home visits to service users of our domiciliary care operations).
Staff training consists of face to face delivery so that staff gain a full understanding of the meaning of slavery and human trafficking and are aware of signs to look for.
Staff are informed and trained on how to report on possible abuse through the Company’s whistleblowing and safeguarding procedures.
Our robust recruitment processes include scrutiny to ensure that new staff joining George Springall Homecare Partnership are not themselves under any form of duress equivalent to slavery or subject to any form of human trafficking.
George Springall Homecare Partnership is committed to treating all staff fairly and in accordance with the law, including payment which is equal or above the National Living Wage at any time.
We promise a safe working environment for all staff. We will not condone any form of harassment, bullying, discrimination or unequal treatment. We will ensure that all staff are made aware of the opportunity during their employment with the Company to come forward and seek advice and support on a confidential basis if they become the subject of abuse under the Act.
We assess on an annual basis, the effectiveness of the measures we have taken to comply with the Act and Report on this in future statements. Where any measure taken is assessed as not effective, we will take remedial action.
Roxane Lane (Registered Manager) and Dominic Lane (Managing Director) are jointly responsible for ensuring George Springall Homecare Partnership’s compliance with the Act.
The Statement covers the financial year ended 10th April 2024.