Care may be self funded or state funded. State funding includes commissioning bodies either paying the homecare provider or providing Direct Payments to the Service Users enabling them to pay for the care of their choice.
Domiciliary care agencies provide care to children, young people, adults and older people with a variety of care and support needs. Many homecare providers specialize in the delivery of services to one of these age groups or to groups with care needs dictated by a specific disability or illness, e.g. learning disability, mental health diagnosis.
Homecare is usually non-medical, although some Care Workers may be trained to undertake tasks such as peg feeding. Domiciliary care agencies work in partnership with other Health & Social Care professionals, so an individual may receive personal and medical care at home through the co-ordinated services of, for example, Care Workers, District Nurses, and Occupational Therapists.
Looking for Care whether it be for yourself or someone you care about can be a daunting process.
It is for that reason that we have put together a further reading section, which enables you to make an informed choice about the kind of care you require.
The following links may be of interest:
Age UK is the UK's largest charity working with older people. Their website is a fantastic resource centre with a variety of topics ranging from living at home and pension advice to reduced rate insurance.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the regulatory body that inspects all aspects of care services. Their website offers information on a range of matters including advice on care services. Inspection reports on all care organizations are available, which is a great help when choosing a care provider. The site also has details of how to complain if you are not happy with a care service.
Oxfordshire Social Services are responsible for assessing the needs of clients and allocating appropriate funds. Their website provides information on a variety of topics ranging from qualification of funding and how to get assessed, to the different payment systems in place, such as direct payment.
Sobell House is a local hospice in Oxford which cares for adults with life threatening illnesses. Their work is amazing. The website links to their various services including Patient and family, Education and Research and the charity which provides a large percentage of funding to the hospice.
The Alzheimer's Society website is incredibly useful as it gives a full explanation of what dementia is and how it affects the sufferer and their loved ones. There is a helpline for support and the "Alzheimer's Forum" which is a weekly magazine for people with dementia written by people with dementia.
Parkinson's Disease Society website is incredibly useful as it gives a full explanation of what the disease is and how it affects the sufferer and their loved ones. There is a helpline for support and the online community which includes people that suffer with Parkinson's and professionals for support and information.
NHS England is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health. NHS England oversees the budget, planning, delivery and day-to-day operation of the commissioning side of the NHS in England as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
Motor Neurone Disease Association funds and promotes global research into the disease and provides support for people affected by Motor Neurone Disease in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is also part of The International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation website contains information compiled with the needs of CJD patients and their families in mind. The CJD Foundation consists of members who want to support you through this experience. Support from those who have had similar experiences can be more helpful than any written information.
Contact us for more information and let us know if we can help.